When autumn comes, I bloom anew;
The Russian frost does wonders for my health;
Anew I fall in love with life's routine:
Betimes I'm soothed by dreams, betimes by hunger caught;
The blood flows free and easy in my heart,
Abrim with passion; once again, I'm happy, young,
I'm full of life - such is my organism
(Excuse me for this awful prosaism)

И с каждой осенью я расцветаю вновь;
Здоровью моему полезен русской холод;
К привычкам бытия вновь чувствую любовь:
Чредой слетает сон, чредой находит голод;
Легко и радостно играет в сердце кровь,
Желания кипят — я снова счастлив, молод,
Я снова жизни полн — таков мой организм
(Извольте мне простить ненужный прозаизм).
Whom better to quote in the fall than Pushkin? :)
(from the poem "Autumn")
So now those numbers are lost to me...the ones that are listed only as "Nastia" or "Olga." I will probably never remember which one.
I had a dilemma the other day. I was falling asleep in front of a movie, having a case of the Sunday-afternoon sleepies.
Suddenly my cell phone rang, displaying a first name which is unisex in the Russian language. Uh-oh. I guessed it was a male friend of mine, but when I answered, it was a female voice. The situation grew even more mysterious...
She used her last name, but it still wasn't ringing a bell. And it felt rude to ask. So in my drowsy state I went along with the conversation. She was asking for the phone number of a mutual acquaintance. Okay, that gave me a few more clues. I promised to send her the number.
Later, I went through some names in my head and came up with a possibility of who it could have been. It was someone I hadn't seen for 3-4 years....so it makes sense that I wouldn't have expected her to call. But I certainly should have displayed more enthusiasm upon hearing from her. Oops!