29 March 2010. A normal day...or was it?
In my Culture class in late afternoon we talked about troikas and bell-ringing.
I remember being on a plane several years ago and finding myself resigned to reading the airline magazine. That particular issue featured a story on the nearly extinct art of bell-ringing, which is officially known as campanology. I remember reading about the complexities of the melodies and rhythms; about the physical strength required.
Fast-forward to our conversation in class. What associations do you have with bells? A church service, a wedding, a certain time of day...maybe even a school-bell.
Old Russian Orthodox culture (before Soviet times), as it turns out, had its own bell system. I highly recommend doing a little online research if you're interested in this sort of thing. In addition to different moments in the church calendar, the bells marked different seasons of life...much like in the rest of Europe, but with a certain Russian flair. continue/-
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
"It depends"
Sometimes I am torn between wanting to be "practical" by planning for the future and wanting to just focus on the moment, believing that "each day has enough trouble of its own." One such area is in the buying and consuming of goods. Should I plan and cook meals ahead of time? Or just take it a day at a time, trusting that God will provide the time and the means for further food preparation? Should I take advantage of a sale, or only buy what is on my list?
This also applies to time management. Should I complete just the top things on my list and go to bed when my body is telling me I'm tired, or should I stretch out that last bit of energy to get more work done?
I found it interesting to reread the story about the manna in the wilderness and to observe how God's instructions changed from day to day. continue reading/-
Principle #1: Take only enough for today
Exodus 16:18-20
...Each one gathered as much as he needed. Then Moses said to them, "No one is to keep any of it until morning." However, some of them paid no attention to Moses; they kept part of it until morning, but it was full of maggots and began to smell. So Moses was angry with them.
Principle #2: Take extra in anticipation
Exodus 16:22-26
On the sixth day, they gathered twice as much—two omers for each person—and the leaders of the community came and reported this to Moses. He said to them, "This is what the LORD commanded: 'Tomorrow is to be a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to the LORD. So bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning.' "
So they saved it until morning, as Moses commanded, and it did not stink or get maggots in it. "Eat it today," Moses said, "because today is a Sabbath to the LORD. You will not find any of it on the ground today. Six days you are to gather it, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, there will not be any."
This is a good meditation on the Sabbath, but I think it also speaks of the variety of situations in life, which require different responses. Sometimes we are to act just a little bit and then rest in His promises. Other times we are to be actively sowing, watering, and getting ahead on work, knowing that the opportunity will not always be there. Some of these decisions are logical, some are not; all may be aided by the Holy Spirit.
This also applies to time management. Should I complete just the top things on my list and go to bed when my body is telling me I'm tired, or should I stretch out that last bit of energy to get more work done?
I found it interesting to reread the story about the manna in the wilderness and to observe how God's instructions changed from day to day. continue reading/-
Principle #1: Take only enough for today
Exodus 16:18-20
...Each one gathered as much as he needed. Then Moses said to them, "No one is to keep any of it until morning." However, some of them paid no attention to Moses; they kept part of it until morning, but it was full of maggots and began to smell. So Moses was angry with them.
Principle #2: Take extra in anticipation
Exodus 16:22-26
On the sixth day, they gathered twice as much—two omers for each person—and the leaders of the community came and reported this to Moses. He said to them, "This is what the LORD commanded: 'Tomorrow is to be a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to the LORD. So bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning.' "
So they saved it until morning, as Moses commanded, and it did not stink or get maggots in it. "Eat it today," Moses said, "because today is a Sabbath to the LORD. You will not find any of it on the ground today. Six days you are to gather it, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, there will not be any."
This is a good meditation on the Sabbath, but I think it also speaks of the variety of situations in life, which require different responses. Sometimes we are to act just a little bit and then rest in His promises. Other times we are to be actively sowing, watering, and getting ahead on work, knowing that the opportunity will not always be there. Some of these decisions are logical, some are not; all may be aided by the Holy Spirit.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Fun language tools
If you will recall my "mushroom" post, I discussed the difficulties of translating idioms into another language.
There is a great little book of Russian idioms with English counterparts. Part of what makes the book great are its illustrations. In fact, it's a fun exercise to cover up the words and try to see what the idiom is supposed to convey.
Can you guess the one to the left?*
I don't currently own the book, but it turns out that there is an online version, the source of the picture (which I don't own the rights to.) You can read the entries and look at the accompanying illustrations. Each entry has the Russian idiom, an approximate English translation, and a related idiom in English.
The book is called Русские фразеологизмы в картинках (A Book of Russian Idioms Illustrated) by M. I. Dubrovin, illustrated by V. I. Tilman. It was published in 1987 in Moscow by Russky Yazyk Publishers.
Check out the book online
*Look at the text that accompanies the picture/-
[sid'et' slozha ruki]
To sit with one's arms folded.
To be idle; to sit still doing nothing.
Cf. To sit twiddling one's thumbs.
(from the site)
There is a great little book of Russian idioms with English counterparts. Part of what makes the book great are its illustrations. In fact, it's a fun exercise to cover up the words and try to see what the idiom is supposed to convey.
Can you guess the one to the left?*
I don't currently own the book, but it turns out that there is an online version, the source of the picture (which I don't own the rights to.) You can read the entries and look at the accompanying illustrations. Each entry has the Russian idiom, an approximate English translation, and a related idiom in English.
The book is called Русские фразеологизмы в картинках (A Book of Russian Idioms Illustrated) by M. I. Dubrovin, illustrated by V. I. Tilman. It was published in 1987 in Moscow by Russky Yazyk Publishers.
Check out the book online
*Look at the text that accompanies the picture/-
[sid'et' slozha ruki]
To sit with one's arms folded.
To be idle; to sit still doing nothing.
Cf. To sit twiddling one's thumbs.
(from the site)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
It's school vacation week. No orphanage for me! But I did have a nice visit last week before leaving for Estonia.
Every once in a while I get acquainted with a new part of the orphanage. Recently, I've been having most of my tutoring sessions in a little room called "The Museum."
When we used to visit the summer camps, we would often bring several suitcases full of art supplies, so that we could teach some activities as well as leave supplies with the Russians who led workshops. It was always a delightful (and humbling) surprise when the counselors begged us for a scrap of this or that and then created brilliant masterpieces for a camp fair or theatrical production.
Isn't it amazing how different minds can make such a variety of works of art from the very same materials? I was mesmerized the first time I was in The Museum and saw all the different things the children had made: paper sculptures, drawings, paintings, dolls and stuffed animals, matchstick sculptures, other things I don't know the name for...
And I am not sure that I am even capable of producing them! As far as I can tell, Russian children are taught from the beginning about precision and being careful with things like glue. I have trouble teaching crafts because I am not very careful myself and I don't like to give exact models because they will copy it. But when they are given good instructions and guided through...what wonderful results!
Every once in a while I get acquainted with a new part of the orphanage. Recently, I've been having most of my tutoring sessions in a little room called "The Museum."
When we used to visit the summer camps, we would often bring several suitcases full of art supplies, so that we could teach some activities as well as leave supplies with the Russians who led workshops. It was always a delightful (and humbling) surprise when the counselors begged us for a scrap of this or that and then created brilliant masterpieces for a camp fair or theatrical production.
Isn't it amazing how different minds can make such a variety of works of art from the very same materials? I was mesmerized the first time I was in The Museum and saw all the different things the children had made: paper sculptures, drawings, paintings, dolls and stuffed animals, matchstick sculptures, other things I don't know the name for...
And I am not sure that I am even capable of producing them! As far as I can tell, Russian children are taught from the beginning about precision and being careful with things like glue. I have trouble teaching crafts because I am not very careful myself and I don't like to give exact models because they will copy it. But when they are given good instructions and guided through...what wonderful results!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Back to the ex-USSR
Actually, that's misleading. Estonia still counts as the former USSR! But it is definitely a different world.
On Saturday, we met in a little neighborhood outside of Tallinn for a retreat with our ministry partners serving in Montenegro and Belarus. We all stayed in a little house, sharing meals and fellowship together.
Then it was back to "real" life. We were sad to say goodbye, but happy to get back to our respective "homes." I have to admit, it was a relief to get back to St. Petersburg after sleepy Estonia. And the bright evening sunshine was a nice welcome!
On Saturday, we met in a little neighborhood outside of Tallinn for a retreat with our ministry partners serving in Montenegro and Belarus. We all stayed in a little house, sharing meals and fellowship together.
Then it was back to "real" life. We were sad to say goodbye, but happy to get back to our respective "homes." I have to admit, it was a relief to get back to St. Petersburg after sleepy Estonia. And the bright evening sunshine was a nice welcome!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
As if in a dream
After class, I went to the visa department at the university to see if they cared that I was leaving the country.
I approached the same old dormitory reception area which I now knew led to the administrative offices. I took out my student ID and prepared to pass through the turnstile.
The man on duty shook his head and pointed to a sign: UMC (or some other combination of letters) dept, 2nd floor of dormitory. Like that was supposed to help me!
Um, and the second floor is...where? He gestured.
I walked to the end of the reception area and went through a different turnstile. Spotting an elevator, I entered and pushed “2.” I wondered how I was going to end up in an office and not someone’s living area .read more/-
I came out of the elevator. No one was in sight. I chose a direction and saw a sign which read “____ department, temporary passageway. “ Okay. I headed down a deserted, windowless corridor with a row of closed doors, and it hit me…how was I going to find my way back out? What if there were an emergency and I were trapped?
Another sign with an arrow. Okay, keep walking down the corridor. Hopefully I wouldn’t have to shrink or grow in order to make it to my destination.
The signs stopped. Now what? A door seemed to be unlocked, did I dare open it?
Woosh. The door opened in my face and I gasped. It was a fellow I had seen over at the Russian department. We both laughed and continued in our respective directions.
Okay, he must have come from where I was going. Now I was in a stairwell. I went down some stairs, but had I reached the first floor or in-between floors? I went down some more and approached a landing that looked familiar.
Yes, I had arrived, just from a different direction.
The woman in the visa department had me fill out a form stating the dates of my departure and arrival. I will have to register as soon as I return.
Then I headed back to the labyrinth. I could not find the door, the one through which that guy had materialized. There were several landings and corridors, but they were all sealed by a piece of white tape. Not a soul was around.
It had to be on the second level. I tried one more door and looked closely at the piece of tape. It had been severed…
Yes, it opened. I retraced my steps, following the arrows backward to the elevator, then down through the main entrance. Whew.
I approached the same old dormitory reception area which I now knew led to the administrative offices. I took out my student ID and prepared to pass through the turnstile.
The man on duty shook his head and pointed to a sign: UMC (or some other combination of letters) dept, 2nd floor of dormitory. Like that was supposed to help me!
Um, and the second floor is...where? He gestured.
I walked to the end of the reception area and went through a different turnstile. Spotting an elevator, I entered and pushed “2.” I wondered how I was going to end up in an office and not someone’s living area .read more/-
I came out of the elevator. No one was in sight. I chose a direction and saw a sign which read “____ department, temporary passageway. “ Okay. I headed down a deserted, windowless corridor with a row of closed doors, and it hit me…how was I going to find my way back out? What if there were an emergency and I were trapped?
Another sign with an arrow. Okay, keep walking down the corridor. Hopefully I wouldn’t have to shrink or grow in order to make it to my destination.
The signs stopped. Now what? A door seemed to be unlocked, did I dare open it?
Woosh. The door opened in my face and I gasped. It was a fellow I had seen over at the Russian department. We both laughed and continued in our respective directions.
Okay, he must have come from where I was going. Now I was in a stairwell. I went down some stairs, but had I reached the first floor or in-between floors? I went down some more and approached a landing that looked familiar.
Yes, I had arrived, just from a different direction.
The woman in the visa department had me fill out a form stating the dates of my departure and arrival. I will have to register as soon as I return.
Then I headed back to the labyrinth. I could not find the door, the one through which that guy had materialized. There were several landings and corridors, but they were all sealed by a piece of white tape. Not a soul was around.
It had to be on the second level. I tried one more door and looked closely at the piece of tape. It had been severed…
Yes, it opened. I retraced my steps, following the arrows backward to the elevator, then down through the main entrance. Whew.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Thought for the day (Rev. 2, 3)
“Hold on to what you have until I come.” –Rev. 2:25
“Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.” Rev. 3:11
Some are wandering, and for them there is a different word. But what if you are on track, following God? Hold on.
Why does it happen that some wander? I don’t think it starts out intentionally. We don’t consciously plan to walk away from God. Maybe it starts out with looking for a little fun or even romance within the wrong company; an effort to try new things outside of His leading; an attempt to be more tolerant and expand our worldview.
Just wait, be patient and hold on. To what? To your family in Christ; to what you know; to your values and the boundaries that you have set; to the time you spend with God. If you believe what is written in the Word, then you have what you need. So hold on to it.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Off with her head!

I think that was Tuesday. The next day I had a head cold and between that and getting accustomed to my new surroundings, felt a little bewildered.
Thursday was an almost normal day, and so on through the weekend.
Meanwhile, a new week began and I was thinking about two details:1) My FBI report, which hadn’t made its appearance yet. 2) An upcoming trip to Estonia that I hadn’t quite figured out.
The connection is that I needed the FBI report to apply for my residency permit, and without turning in those papers, I wasn’t sure if I’d be allowed to leave Russia and retain my place in the quota.
I was aiming for March 26th for Estonia, until yesterday, when I learned that the departure date is actually March 20th. Oh. That’s this Saturday. A quick scramble to look at the calendar and to determine whether it’s okay if I leave the country this weekend.
Well, if Immigration says it’s okay, why not? I can go back to my place on Friday, unpack, repack, and be ready Saturday morning to leave.
It looks like I’m about to do some traveling!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Curious and curiouser
I decided to take a look at Revelation since I hadn’t read it on my own for awhile and we were thinking about doing a Sunday school unit. I like that right up front the purpose of the epistle is stated. But after that, it’s no ordinary epistle. :)
If you take verse 9 of chapter 1, for example, the wording is rather unusual.
Suffering and patience…yes, go together.
Kingdom and power (and glory)…go together.
But suffering, kingdom, and patient endurance? Doesn’t it seem like an odd juxtaposition? To me it is so interesting how the different Gospels and Epistles have different associations with Christ. To some He is the Shepherd or more often the King or the Son of God. Here, He is the One for Whom we suffer, from Whom we inherit the Kingdom, for Whom we endure. Perhaps it isn't the most poetic of statements, yet speaks volumes.
If you take verse 9 of chapter 1, for example, the wording is rather unusual.
I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.This is like that game, What Doesn’t Belong?
Suffering and patience…yes, go together.
Kingdom and power (and glory)…go together.
But suffering, kingdom, and patient endurance? Doesn’t it seem like an odd juxtaposition? To me it is so interesting how the different Gospels and Epistles have different associations with Christ. To some He is the Shepherd or more often the King or the Son of God. Here, He is the One for Whom we suffer, from Whom we inherit the Kingdom, for Whom we endure. Perhaps it isn't the most poetic of statements, yet speaks volumes.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Revisiting ruination
Last week I commented on the idea of feeling “messed up” or “ruined” for God. The problem with this concept is that if taken the wrong way it implies that we should shun the ordinary moments in life and/or the people who don’t feel “messed up.”
You know, I used to feel very awkward giving my “testimony” because I felt that in order to have a great story, one had to have been living a life of tragedy or great sin in order to really experience deliverance. And now I realize that I need not feel anything but awe and thankfulness for having received the Gospel when I was young. There would be plenty of moments for the supernatural later on.
When we come across these ambiguous Christian terms, it’s always a good idea to return to the Bible. When we are always talking about divine appointments, spiritual attacks, hating the sin but loving the sinner, God being awesome, etc., it is easy to become lost in ambiguity. continue/-
I think it is a great skill to be able to present God’s Word in a systematic way that is understandable to everyone. On the other hand, let’s not oversimplify. A lot of times we create oversimplified catch-phrases where we could quote Scripture instead.
So what does it mean to be ruined for the ordinary; or “messed up” for the sake of God’s kingdom?
In a general sense, it is all a part of the death of our sinful nature. But for some reason we feel the pain more sharply at certain times.
We are “ruined” in an intellectual sense because we are no longer satisfied with human wisdom.
We are “ruined” in an emotional sense as we take on new cares. Paul writes a lot about this.
We are saved in a spiritual sense, but will continually be tested.
And the revelation may come at different moments for some, but we will all face the feeling of being an empty vessel-on the one hand empty and useless, while at the same time ready to be an instrument.
You know, I used to feel very awkward giving my “testimony” because I felt that in order to have a great story, one had to have been living a life of tragedy or great sin in order to really experience deliverance. And now I realize that I need not feel anything but awe and thankfulness for having received the Gospel when I was young. There would be plenty of moments for the supernatural later on.
When we come across these ambiguous Christian terms, it’s always a good idea to return to the Bible. When we are always talking about divine appointments, spiritual attacks, hating the sin but loving the sinner, God being awesome, etc., it is easy to become lost in ambiguity. continue/-
I think it is a great skill to be able to present God’s Word in a systematic way that is understandable to everyone. On the other hand, let’s not oversimplify. A lot of times we create oversimplified catch-phrases where we could quote Scripture instead.
So what does it mean to be ruined for the ordinary; or “messed up” for the sake of God’s kingdom?
In a general sense, it is all a part of the death of our sinful nature. But for some reason we feel the pain more sharply at certain times.
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. -Matthew 16: 24, 25
We are “ruined” in an intellectual sense because we are no longer satisfied with human wisdom.
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! -Romans 11:33
We are “ruined” in an emotional sense as we take on new cares. Paul writes a lot about this.
For I wrote you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my love for you. -2 Corinthians 2:4
We are saved in a spiritual sense, but will continually be tested.
To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. -2 Corinthians 12:7
And the revelation may come at different moments for some, but we will all face the feeling of being an empty vessel-on the one hand empty and useless, while at the same time ready to be an instrument.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Children and worship
Sometimes they are trained to sit quietly; sometimes they run around. Sometimes they go straight to Nursery; sometimes they stay with their parents.
What do children think of church?
Do children recognize when we’re worshiping? It doesn’t seem to bother them when parents have their eyes closed or are busy singing. I’m thirsty, I’m hungry, I want to ask you a question. The need for interaction doesn’t stop.
So at times it would appear that children are oblivious to that fact that we are “entering in” to worship.
Is this good or bad? On the one hand, maybe they are so comfortable with our praising the Lord regularly that our beginning to sing does not feel different, but like a natural state for them. On the other hand, shouldn’t they be able to recognize a sacred moment? What is it about worship time that makes grown-ups stop talking and take on a different posture, while children go on playing? Is this something we learn as we grow in the Lord, or is it a ritual that we have forced upon ourselves? What can we teach children about worship, and what can we learn from them?
What do children think of church?
Do children recognize when we’re worshiping? It doesn’t seem to bother them when parents have their eyes closed or are busy singing. I’m thirsty, I’m hungry, I want to ask you a question. The need for interaction doesn’t stop.
So at times it would appear that children are oblivious to that fact that we are “entering in” to worship.
Is this good or bad? On the one hand, maybe they are so comfortable with our praising the Lord regularly that our beginning to sing does not feel different, but like a natural state for them. On the other hand, shouldn’t they be able to recognize a sacred moment? What is it about worship time that makes grown-ups stop talking and take on a different posture, while children go on playing? Is this something we learn as we grow in the Lord, or is it a ritual that we have forced upon ourselves? What can we teach children about worship, and what can we learn from them?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Goodbye to a good and faithful servant
When you come to Russia for just a short time, it is like a treasure hunt of meetings with different interesting people.
I was in St. Petersburg with my father in the summer of 2004, before I moved here to live. One of our quests was to meet with a man named Kenneth. I didn’t understand what the connection was, but my dad had something in mind. We were searching for a place called “Agora.”
What I didn’t know yet about Russia was how within those huge apartment buildings many different things go on, and the neighbors don’t necessarily know what is happening at the other end of the building or on a different floor. When we couldn’t find the entrance, I asked some men in a business on the first floor if they could tell us where “Agora” was. They couldn’t. We ended up calling someone, who came down to find us and lead the way. Nothing was as simple as it seemed.
Inside was a rambling, open staircase that went up and up. As we ascended, I felt like I was in a Tolkien-esque land. It just had that magical feeling.
At the top of the staircase, an elderly man greeted us and introduced himself in a British accent. Then we were led into the kitchen, literally a “nook.” The place was full of them. Kenneth had converted several apartments into a cozy guesthouse and meeting place for Christians. As we sat and talked in the kitchen, I once again felt like I was in the land of Tolkien, about to embark on an interesting adventure.
A few months later, I moved to Russia.
After I arrived, I was looking for a church home, and my friend invited me to visit one that her friends attended. As we pulled up to the building, I realized that I had been here before. It was Agora. We went up a different staircase this time.
The room was one that Kenneth had shown us, a beautiful hall with a piano in it and some paintings on the wall. Now I saw it in use. Chairs were set up, and it had becoming a gathering place for Christians. This church became my regular place of worship.
A few of my friends worked at Agora, and visiting missionaries sometimes stayed there, so I would find myself on the top floor again every once in a while. I usually had to reintroduce myself to Kenneth, as he would ask, “Now who are you?” If I explained that I was David’s daughter, he usually remembered, and said “Ahh, yeeeess” in his British accent, grasping my hand.
Kenneth passed away this week at the age of 90. I’ve been spending a few moments remembering him and recalling what his kind face looked like; the sound of his voice. I didn’t know all of his story, but you can read some tributes here.
I was in St. Petersburg with my father in the summer of 2004, before I moved here to live. One of our quests was to meet with a man named Kenneth. I didn’t understand what the connection was, but my dad had something in mind. We were searching for a place called “Agora.”
What I didn’t know yet about Russia was how within those huge apartment buildings many different things go on, and the neighbors don’t necessarily know what is happening at the other end of the building or on a different floor. When we couldn’t find the entrance, I asked some men in a business on the first floor if they could tell us where “Agora” was. They couldn’t. We ended up calling someone, who came down to find us and lead the way. Nothing was as simple as it seemed.
Inside was a rambling, open staircase that went up and up. As we ascended, I felt like I was in a Tolkien-esque land. It just had that magical feeling.
At the top of the staircase, an elderly man greeted us and introduced himself in a British accent. Then we were led into the kitchen, literally a “nook.” The place was full of them. Kenneth had converted several apartments into a cozy guesthouse and meeting place for Christians. As we sat and talked in the kitchen, I once again felt like I was in the land of Tolkien, about to embark on an interesting adventure.
A few months later, I moved to Russia.
After I arrived, I was looking for a church home, and my friend invited me to visit one that her friends attended. As we pulled up to the building, I realized that I had been here before. It was Agora. We went up a different staircase this time.
The room was one that Kenneth had shown us, a beautiful hall with a piano in it and some paintings on the wall. Now I saw it in use. Chairs were set up, and it had becoming a gathering place for Christians. This church became my regular place of worship.
A few of my friends worked at Agora, and visiting missionaries sometimes stayed there, so I would find myself on the top floor again every once in a while. I usually had to reintroduce myself to Kenneth, as he would ask, “Now who are you?” If I explained that I was David’s daughter, he usually remembered, and said “Ahh, yeeeess” in his British accent, grasping my hand.
Kenneth passed away this week at the age of 90. I’ve been spending a few moments remembering him and recalling what his kind face looked like; the sound of his voice. I didn’t know all of his story, but you can read some tributes here.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Loving my brother
Because Christ stands between me and others, I dare not desire direct fellowship with them.*
Bonhoeffer reminds me a little bit of Oswald Chambers in that when I first read something he wrote, I think, "What is he talking about?" And I have to meditate on it a little bit in order to decide whether I agree or not.
More of the passage (with added spacing and emphasis):
Bonhoeffer reminds me a little bit of Oswald Chambers in that when I first read something he wrote, I think, "What is he talking about?" And I have to meditate on it a little bit in order to decide whether I agree or not.
More of the passage (with added spacing and emphasis):
"As only Christ can speak to me in such a way that I may be saved, so others, too, can be saved only by Christ himself. This means that I must release the other person from every attempt of mine to regulate, coerce, and dominate him with my love. The other person needs to retain his independence of me; to be loved for what he is, as one for whom Christ became man, died, and rose again, for whom Christ bought forgiveness of sins and eternal life.continue/-
Because Christ has long since acted decisively for my brother, before I could begin to act, I must leave him his freedom to be Christ’s; I must meet him only as the person that he already is in Christ’s eyes. This is the meaning of the proposition that we can meet others only through the mediation of Christ.
Human love constructs its own image of the other person, of what he is and what he should become. It takes the life of the other person into its own hands.
Spiritual love recognizes the true image of the other person which he has received from Jesus Christ; the image that Jesus Christ himself embodied and would stamp upon all men."-*Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, “Life Together,” pp.35-36
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Which came first?
I’ve encountered an interesting dilemma in one of my Russian classes. In discussing Russia’s religious background, we observed that it began with Paganism and later switched to Christianity, which was a “natural” transition given the people’s long tradition with seeking divine help and the similarities between the “Christian” God and the gods of the Slavonic pantheon.
The thing is that I believe that Christianity was in the hearts of men before even Paganism came about. Adam and Eve fell from grace long before people began to invent their own gods. At this point they were already in need of a Savior.
While I realize Christianity may not have “existed” in Russia previously, people were already searching for it in their hearts. Therefore, if Christianity was the answer, it was not because it conveniently fit into a mold that man had created, but filled the place in their hearts created by God from the very beginning. expand/-
So it is not that Christianity became the solution to a known need…it had always BEEN the solution!
A passage from my homework reading notes that Christianity “presented” humans with the problem of the conflict between flesh and spirit. Now they had a new problem to think of. And now they had to make a choice. But I believe that this “problem” had already existed long before. Man is born into this conflict, and lives in desperation of reconciling himself to God.
Maybe I am being too picky about wording, but I believe that this concept is key to Christian doctrine because if we argue that man doesn’t worry about his soul until he hears about religion, then it follows that man is not prompted to make a choice and is therefore not responsible for his sin. On the other hand, how can a person be held responsible who “has not heard”?
The thing is that I believe that Christianity was in the hearts of men before even Paganism came about. Adam and Eve fell from grace long before people began to invent their own gods. At this point they were already in need of a Savior.
While I realize Christianity may not have “existed” in Russia previously, people were already searching for it in their hearts. Therefore, if Christianity was the answer, it was not because it conveniently fit into a mold that man had created, but filled the place in their hearts created by God from the very beginning. expand/-
So it is not that Christianity became the solution to a known need…it had always BEEN the solution!
A passage from my homework reading notes that Christianity “presented” humans with the problem of the conflict between flesh and spirit. Now they had a new problem to think of. And now they had to make a choice. But I believe that this “problem” had already existed long before. Man is born into this conflict, and lives in desperation of reconciling himself to God.
Maybe I am being too picky about wording, but I believe that this concept is key to Christian doctrine because if we argue that man doesn’t worry about his soul until he hears about religion, then it follows that man is not prompted to make a choice and is therefore not responsible for his sin. On the other hand, how can a person be held responsible who “has not heard”?
Monday, March 8, 2010
I’m just wondering how everyone is reacting to the recent earthquakes and other tragic news.
1) Does it seem like there has been a significantly larger number of catastrophic events lately?
2) If so, what kind of conclusions are you drawing or have you heard from other people?
First of all, on a personal level, I could not begin to imagine or put into words the pain of losing a loved one. I don’t think you can put it on a scale. Grief is grief.
But I want to look at recent events on more of a global scale. I’m not an alarmist and I don’t agree with spreading rumors about judgment or the end of the world. I don’t think it is even necessary to study trends from a scientific point of view. On the other hand, we are called as Christians to speak the Truth. more/-
The Prophets delivered words of doom, but they were called to do that. We have to be careful not to create roles for ourselves that are outside of God’s calling.
Are people living in fear, or are they desensitized to tragedy, or somewhere in the middle? What have you observed in conversations? I have heard people rattle off recent trends as if they indicate the end of the world. But I can’t tell if they really care or if it’s just something interesting to talk about, the thrill of potential danger.
I do think it’s important to use opportunities. If something comes up in conversation, we can comfort fears, or deliver the news of salvation. No, I don’t expect the earth to open and swallow me up tomorrow, but if it does, I know what is happening to my soul. No, I can’t say that God is punishing specific nations, but I do believe that we will all face judgment one day, and possible punishment.
As far as participating in disaster relief, that is something different, and very personal. If you or your church feels moved to intercede in prayer for a specific country hit by disaster; to send humanitarian relief or even a team of workers, that is by all means something that you should pursue, with the Lord’s leading.
1) Does it seem like there has been a significantly larger number of catastrophic events lately?
2) If so, what kind of conclusions are you drawing or have you heard from other people?
First of all, on a personal level, I could not begin to imagine or put into words the pain of losing a loved one. I don’t think you can put it on a scale. Grief is grief.
But I want to look at recent events on more of a global scale. I’m not an alarmist and I don’t agree with spreading rumors about judgment or the end of the world. I don’t think it is even necessary to study trends from a scientific point of view. On the other hand, we are called as Christians to speak the Truth. more/-
The Prophets delivered words of doom, but they were called to do that. We have to be careful not to create roles for ourselves that are outside of God’s calling.
Are people living in fear, or are they desensitized to tragedy, or somewhere in the middle? What have you observed in conversations? I have heard people rattle off recent trends as if they indicate the end of the world. But I can’t tell if they really care or if it’s just something interesting to talk about, the thrill of potential danger.
I do think it’s important to use opportunities. If something comes up in conversation, we can comfort fears, or deliver the news of salvation. No, I don’t expect the earth to open and swallow me up tomorrow, but if it does, I know what is happening to my soul. No, I can’t say that God is punishing specific nations, but I do believe that we will all face judgment one day, and possible punishment.
As far as participating in disaster relief, that is something different, and very personal. If you or your church feels moved to intercede in prayer for a specific country hit by disaster; to send humanitarian relief or even a team of workers, that is by all means something that you should pursue, with the Lord’s leading.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
No going back
I like this thread by Motte Brown over at Boundless. He polls everyone about whether they’ve been “messed up” by a pastor, as in deeply convicted by a particular sermon, and moved to act.
While I can’t pinpoint a particular sermon, I can, of course, recall factors that changed my life. “Ruined for the ordinary” is another phrase that gets tossed around, although I can’t seem to find the original source.
I can remember a few times when I wished I hadn’t ever gone to Russia or gotten involved. I was in too deep and I wasn’t sure if I liked that feeling. I wanted to keep one foot planted on safe ground, but it was too late to go back. It wasn't that it was bad, just overwhelming. continue/-
Since I was receptive to hearing about missions during college, I suppose Urbana 2003 would have held some of those sermons that “messed up” my life. I will have to find my notes again the next time I’m home. You can listen to some of the talks from that year in the archives.
Why is it that the messages that tear us apart the most often bear the most fruit in our lives?
The following verses come to mind:
While I can’t pinpoint a particular sermon, I can, of course, recall factors that changed my life. “Ruined for the ordinary” is another phrase that gets tossed around, although I can’t seem to find the original source.
I can remember a few times when I wished I hadn’t ever gone to Russia or gotten involved. I was in too deep and I wasn’t sure if I liked that feeling. I wanted to keep one foot planted on safe ground, but it was too late to go back. It wasn't that it was bad, just overwhelming. continue/-
Since I was receptive to hearing about missions during college, I suppose Urbana 2003 would have held some of those sermons that “messed up” my life. I will have to find my notes again the next time I’m home. You can listen to some of the talks from that year in the archives.
Why is it that the messages that tear us apart the most often bear the most fruit in our lives?
The following verses come to mind:
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.(Ps. 51:17)
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.(Ps. 51:17)
Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy.
will reap with songs of joy.
He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him. (Ps.126: 5,6)
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him. (Ps.126: 5,6)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Weather forecast
Did you know that in Russia it's officially spring? Judging by the snow coming down, I wouldn't have guessed it either!
Here's a little joke to lighten your mood, whether you're affected by the weather or not (received in an e-mail):
Here's a little joke to lighten your mood, whether you're affected by the weather or not (received in an e-mail):
Spring is almost here. We can now see the deer moving around in our backyard. Click/-
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Martha Syndrome
But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"
"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." -Luke 10: 40-41
I don’t know about you, but this is one Bible story that has been in my repertoire since childhood. It’s pretty simple and has a clear message: Pick Jesus over housework. Or maybe…worry about your soul before your earthly responsibilities? Or, be willing to drop all your plans if someone special comes to visit?
Okay, good lesson…but I have to ask the question…what about responsibilities? Don’t those have a place in the Kingdom? Wasn’t the Proverbs 31
One time recently I felt convicted about being too involved in activities to engage in fellowship. I simply could not make myself relax. After all, there was a flute to be tuned and a Sunday school room to prepare. There was no time for chatting in the hallway! No room for distractions! Stay focused!
And then, walking home, you realize that those aren’t distractions, those are people. And you miss them.
At a planning meeting recently, it turned out that quite a few of us felt isolated, despite being pretty heavily involved in church activities. And one of the reasons is that it’s hard to separate yourself from tasks and schedules long enough to have a deep conversation with someone. There is no time to just stop and enjoy the presence of the Lord among brothers and sisters. Or sometimes it isn't a matter of timing, but of being able to emotionally engage. What day is Bible study and who is in charge of Sunday school next time and where did they put the props from last time and how many sick people do we have to pray for and here comes the next church for their choir practice.
I could spend a fair amount of time analyzing my own personality and what I need to do to discipline myself to be a better communicator. But that’s ridiculous. This is a matter of the heart! And it’s a question of group dynamics, not individual rebellious personalities. It’s a question of looking outward.
It’s hard to relax when we can’t control every situation, whether we are introverts lost among extroverts, men at a meeting geared toward women, hymn-lovers at a contemporary worship service, etc.
Meeting other people’s needs is always a good way to forget one's own grievances. But in order to meet other people’s needs, we have to get to know them well. Maybe one friend likes to communicate by phone, another likes to do an activity together, another is always touched by notes and little gifts. And how do we know which situation will minister to a person’s heart? We have to ask them, or try different approaches to see what works. In other words, we have to be persistent, intentional...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
What about the NT?
Has anyone else noticed that Sunday school materials seem to be heavy on the OT heroes and scant on the NT?
I noticed that in our church we seem to focus on Christmas and Easter with some OT heroes in-between, and then maybe some general topics like friendship, the fruits of the Spirit, etc.
But what about the first church, the first martyrs, the epistles, ...Revelation?
I opened up my craft book to take a look at the repertoire. After the Resurrection there is a small section titled "Christian Life." That is the extent of the material pertaining to everything after the Gospels.
To be fair, there ARE selected stories that are usually covered: Pentecost, Ananias and Sapphira, Paul's conversion, and Paul and Silas in jail. Other stories might be used to illustrate more general topics such as church fellowship. But there is so much more!
We wanted to do a short survey on the books of the NT as an introduction, but it is hard to find materials on the General Epistles, for example. Or maybe I am just not looking in the right place?
I noticed that in our church we seem to focus on Christmas and Easter with some OT heroes in-between, and then maybe some general topics like friendship, the fruits of the Spirit, etc.
But what about the first church, the first martyrs, the epistles, ...Revelation?
I opened up my craft book to take a look at the repertoire. After the Resurrection there is a small section titled "Christian Life." That is the extent of the material pertaining to everything after the Gospels.
To be fair, there ARE selected stories that are usually covered: Pentecost, Ananias and Sapphira, Paul's conversion, and Paul and Silas in jail. Other stories might be used to illustrate more general topics such as church fellowship. But there is so much more!
We wanted to do a short survey on the books of the NT as an introduction, but it is hard to find materials on the General Epistles, for example. Or maybe I am just not looking in the right place?
Monday, March 1, 2010
Complex assignments
In one of my current classes, we discuss the syntax, lexical patterns, grammar constructions, and realms of usage of different writing styles in the Russian language.
I like the mathematical qualities of scientific writing, which we are covering now. In some ways it is easier to translate because so many words are universal or the constructions rigid. Just insert something here with the proper ending and you have an intellectual-sounding sentence!
But it is still hard to keep up. It’s one thing to look at the construction and see how clearly it is formed, and another to use it in your own speech and writing.
We are going waaaay too fast, in my opinion. I don’t want to just take in information, I want to use it!
Soon I will get my chance....more/-
In April there will be a student conference, and our articles are due next week!
At first we were told to choose a topic that was interesting to us. I chose orphanages because there were already people planning to write about theology, and discussing culture and language all the time gets old. I guess those are my main interests.
But then today we were supposed to say why our topic is relevant. And I had to consider for myself the following:
-Why should I tell foreign students about the situation in St. Petersburg? How can I make it interesting for them? Or am I writing mainly for the teachers, since this is their city and their future?
-How can I write about an emotional topic without emotion? Is it possible to reduce this call of my heart to a 2-page synopsis? Yes, I should develop this skill, because I may someday have to fight for it in a formal situation. But I'm not sure how.
And then, of course, there is the question of a huge topic, and only two pages. And one week.
I like the mathematical qualities of scientific writing, which we are covering now. In some ways it is easier to translate because so many words are universal or the constructions rigid. Just insert something here with the proper ending and you have an intellectual-sounding sentence!
But it is still hard to keep up. It’s one thing to look at the construction and see how clearly it is formed, and another to use it in your own speech and writing.
We are going waaaay too fast, in my opinion. I don’t want to just take in information, I want to use it!
Soon I will get my chance....more/-
In April there will be a student conference, and our articles are due next week!
At first we were told to choose a topic that was interesting to us. I chose orphanages because there were already people planning to write about theology, and discussing culture and language all the time gets old. I guess those are my main interests.
But then today we were supposed to say why our topic is relevant. And I had to consider for myself the following:
-Why should I tell foreign students about the situation in St. Petersburg? How can I make it interesting for them? Or am I writing mainly for the teachers, since this is their city and their future?
-How can I write about an emotional topic without emotion? Is it possible to reduce this call of my heart to a 2-page synopsis? Yes, I should develop this skill, because I may someday have to fight for it in a formal situation. But I'm not sure how.
And then, of course, there is the question of a huge topic, and only two pages. And one week.
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In the past month, it has been interesting to read the published thoughts of Russian friends as they've gotten their voice back upon es...
A few people so far have alerted me to the recent 20/20 series on Russian adoptees which can be viewed in its entirety (in 5 segments) on AB...
In the past month, it has been interesting to read the published thoughts of Russian friends as they've gotten their voice back upon es...
(I found this draft from last month that I forgot to post! I'm shocked that the summer went by so fast!) National identity. I remember f...
For example, the perebor was used when someone had died. The bells were all rung one at a time, once each, from smallest to greatest, and then rung all together at the end. This symbolized the progression of one's life from birth to death.
Of course, Russian Orthodox is often tied to superstition, and one belief held is that listening to the bells will drive out sickness (our instructor assured us of this).
As I stared out the window and drifted off into daydreams, I thought to myself, I am going to pay more attention to the bells from now on...if there are any, that is. Perhaps on Easter Sunday?
I returned home late in the evening to learn that many people in Moscow had, in fact lost their lives that day. In another age, the bells would have tolled for them...
Today I was walking to class and I listened for bells, but there were only the sounds of the city.