We haven't gotten too many photos of her awake and alert yet*, but Angelica was excited to meet her new cousin.

Well, I suppose I don’t eat a huge amount of meat daily, but I doubt that I would have a substantial layer of body fat even if I did.
“You have to eat meat! Sausages, cheese, yogurt, sour cream…fatty foods! Then you won’t be cold.”
She went over the window, promising to open it just a crack. Then she began to speak again.
I stared down at my desk in the awkward silence that followed.
“I went to buy myself a mask, and can you imagine? They said in the pharmacy that every morning, people come and buy all the masks! They can’t keep them in stock. You should ALL have masks! Right, Elizabeth?”
I squirmed in my seat, recalling an article I had read recently on a U.S. news site, proclaiming the futility of wearing a mask.
“People, you need to be drinking tea with lemon. What you do is take a knife, cut the lemon in half, and share it with your roommate! If you don’t like eating the lemon with sugar, then you can squeeze it into your tea.”
I tried to be serious, but I could hear the corners of my mouth twitching. I didn’t dare look at anyone else.
She told us of the different stages of Swine flu and all the symptoms. Then we were back to grammar, and I could breathe a sigh of relief.
But I remembered that a small child at church has a lung infection, and I realized it isn’t so funny.
I normally just show up when the school year begins, but I was nervous about doing that this year. Some orphanages have become pretty restricted, especially with the flu going around. So I was kind of procrastinating and wondering if this was the year that I didn't go back.
I tried to call and got no answer on one phone. Finally I called the other counselor in the group, and found that she no longer works there, and that the kids had been redistributed among various groups. But she told me where to find the counselor that does still work there.
Since next week is school vacation week, I decided that I really should try and make it this week, so I met up with Mary and we hopped on the train, not knowing how we would be greeted. When we entered the orphanage, we asked for the particular counselor. The security granny merely nodded and told us what floor to go to. No questions asked.
That counselor was just the person we needed to see. She opened her arms to hug us both simultaneously! We were ushered into the girls' bedroom and given apples.
Now, this group is one of the youngest. They are 8 years old and haven't studied English before. I had taken along a lesson that would work for a few different age groups. As the children gathered and began to write their names as instructed, I realized that we were beginning at the beginning.
I quickly consulted with Mary: "Worksheet or colors?" "Colors," she suggested. I dug out the markers, my all-purpose prop, and began a demonstration.
We didn't get much further than that. Pretty soon, the kids were drawing all over themselves before we could stop them, throwing their slippers around the room, and rolling around on the floor wrestling.
I guess I will have to do some strategic lesson-planning for next time. ;)
So one prayer request is answered: we made contact. But how the rest of the year will go is another question entirely!
I might need to take any combination of textbooks for class, teaching supplies, my Bible, my flute, clothing for different kinds of weather, and possibly something to eat. Another aspect of life is that there is always something to pass on to someone else. On Sunday mornings, for example, I often have a full bag of items to return/give/lend to someone else. But on the way home, the bag has filled up again.
Since I have chronic joint pain, I can't carry more than a few pounds with me. So I can't take everything that I might need. It's a balancing act. If I need my umbrella, I will have to leave something else behind. If I absolutely have to take a lot, then I divide it into two bags, so that I can carry something on each side and avoid pain on a certain side.
And that's how my day begins!
At one point my daily commute was about 4 hours (total), but now it is only 3 since my classes aren't that far away. Still, I try to think of how to best use that time.
I have a lot of little tasks that I do when I have a few minutes. I catch up on phone calls while walking to or from the bus/metro/etc. While on the escalator (which goes very deep into the ground), I put away hat/gloves/umbrella and read my text messages. In the metro I write text messages, sending them whenever I have service in the tunnel. While riding the escalator up, I adjust all my outer clothing again and distribute my parcels so that they're comfortable to carry.
My day
Right now I am taking 1-2 classes a day. Let's say it's Tuesday. Today I have one class. Entering the building is like stepping into another world because there are so many non-Russians milling about. I make my way (with effort) up to the 4th floor and wait until the teacher comes with a key to let us into our classroom. Students sit at desks in pairs in university here. Kind of like the lab tables in the U.S.
There is always discussion over whether the window should be open or closed, because it is customary to "air out" the room, yet if the cold air touches your skin, you will surely die become desperately ill.
My instructors are all very kind and patient to us as foreigners. Many of the students are only here for a semester or two, so the instructors are trying to give us the best cultural experience possible! Unfortunately, I'm not usually free to go on excursions and such. But hopefully I will be able to spend a little time with my classmates outside of class.
The next phase
In the afternoons, I usually teach English. On Tuesdays I visit one of the many orphanages in St. Petersburg.
This particular orphanage is one of the best. It has great living conditions and just a pleasant atmosphere overall. But it is still an artificial environment and not a "home." Case in point: I still have trouble with the security guards each time I visit. It's not exactly trouble, but they do usually ask "What do you want?" as if I am an intruder. I have been visiting once or twice weekly for five years. Sometimes the security guards change, and when they ask me who I am, sometimes I want to answer, "Who are YOU?" But I don't.
I used to teach my own classes, but the kids were too busy with all their other afterschool clubs. Now I mainly help them with their English assignments for school. Sometimes it is hard trying to decipher what another teacher has taught, especially if I don't agree with the methods. But I know that I am serving an actual need and not just introducing something of my own that may or may not be helpful.
The tram often breaks down when I'm coming home from the orphanage. I actually like the transportation in St. Petersburg because there are a lot of options to choose from. If the bus pulls away as I am approaching, I know that something else will come along sooner or later. It's not once an hour as in some places.
When the tram breaks, there might be a line of 5-10 of them. Lately it has been breaking down near the end of my street, which is still a 20-30 minute walk home. What I do is cross over to the next bus/tram stop and wait for something to come from another direction. I don't usually have to wait more than 5-10 minutes. Of course at that point it might be very crowded, but the main thing is to reach my destination.
In the evenings I normally have a church meeting, English lesson, or social event. On Tuesdays I don't have anything regular, but I am often busy anyway.
I count it as a bonus if I'm home before 10 p.m. If I'm home at 7 or 8, I might actually have time to cook a hot meal, check my e-mail, do my homework, or make a phone call.
I have to try to be consistent about bedtime because otherwise I find myself nodding off during class. It is especially hard to remain alert during these gray and rainy fall days.
I keep various notebooks by my bed for writing down prayer or notes about the next day. It helps me clear my mind before going to sleep. After all, the next day is going to be totally different.
So that, in a nutshell, is my "typical" day!
The examples below were listed in the textbook as interjections, but I prefer the term onomatopoeia. I think of them as the sounds of comic strips. When we were asked to recall the equivalent in our own language, I realized that in English we often just use the verb.
Read the Russian sound effects (transliterated) below and see if you can match up the noises (underneath) with the action they are describing.
1) prig-skok!
2) gahf-gahf
3) tuk-tuk
4) tyuk-tyuk
5) tyu-tyu
6) khlop!
7) djin!
8) fyoot
9) bul-bul
What it describes:
a) A doorbell ringing.
b) Something sinking.
c) Knocking on a door.
d) A balloon popping (pop!).
e) A jumping noise.
f) Something quickly passing by (woosh!).
g) A dog barking (woof!).
h) Tapping on glass.
i) Something disappearing (poof!).
“What do they say?” asks the acquaintance. “Mahlzeit.”
“That means ‘enjoy your meal!’"
The next day, the Englishman arrives at the café and the German is already eating lunch.
“Mahlzeit!” the Englishman pronounces.
“Taylor!” replies the German.
A similar thing happens to me sometimes when am teaching English. I have to avoid extra words, or I will be misunderstood. For example, if you turn to a pupil and use a direction such as “Say ‘my name is….,” they will repeat that exact phrase. And then you have to correct them and specify that they need only the second part of the phrase. And then they think that you have given them two variations of the same thing. So it’s best to think this through in advance.
Sometimes the world is such a confusing place! But humorous, nonetheless.
It's not a new concept. Everyone instinctively knows that light is good and darkness is bad. Almost everyone you talk to believes in a version of the "light conquers darkness" theory. If it is a person with very little hope, he may talk about everything being in darkness. But in order for there to be darkness, there had to have been light, or knowledge of light.
I suppose the difference lies in whether or not we name the Source, or acknowledge it for ourselves. My Jewish high school teacher may have been speaking of God. I will never know. Maybe he was afraid to speak of faith in school, or maybe he hadn't decided yet which god is the true one.
There are a lot of times when we leave topics open. We are afraid to fill in the blanks. We say "good luck," but are afraid to mention that we believe in the will of God. We say we will pray for someone, but we don't mention to Whom we will pray.
Or maybe I am the only one?
Exploring the chapter further, I found some interesting viewpoints represented by texts that we didn't cover in class. For example, there was a description of "gender theory"-the idea that gender roles are determined not by biology, but by stereotypes determined by the culture. So adult men and women only know what to do because of what they were taught in childhood or observed going on around them. There is no instinct or higher power to guide them. Women, naturally, have been repressed in this regard, and in many cases must depend on their husbands for income.
When we had our discussion in class, it turned out that all the male students were absent that day, and I wasn't able to speak my mind because the (young, female) instructor asked a lot of leading questions, such as:
-Who earns more, men or women?
-Can women be president in your country?
-What would you want to change about how women are treated?
-Has the situation improved in your country, or are gender stereotypes still observed?
In other words, there was no question which referred to any positive aspects of gender, and we were not asked if we liked, for example, the way things used to be, when chivalry was still around.
I was a little surprised because I would have expected the topic to be discussed more in the U.S. than in Russia. But I suppose in most cultures the question comes up at one point or another. There are, of course, places where women are still considered different from men, but are abused in relationships. That is certainly not a model I would support. But I think a more common situation is that as freedom of speech increases, complaints grow. We always want more of something.
I was delighted when we received a homework assignment to write an essay stating our position regarding gender. I wonder if there is a page limit? :)
And maybe we all have a mother or grandmother who does it. But my groupmates and I were just a little shocked (and amused) to receive instructions from our teachers on how to dress! The grammar instructor folded up the hem of her skirt to show that it was lined, and therefore fit for winter. The lexicon instructor asked if I had medicine for my cold. The windows in the classroom are opened and closed religiously. We were told to wear boots and not shoes, now that it is colder. So I suppose I will have to comply...at least on the days I have class. ;)
And while we're on the topic of instructions...I have come to realize just how rude the imperative sounds to English speakers. Perhaps this is why Russians sometimes seem like they're angry.
I suppose in some context it's okay, especially in a classroom situation. "Raise your hand if you know the answer." "Turn over your paper when you're done." Even at the table: "Please pass the salt."
But other commands sound abrupt. "Give me a pencil, please." Adding words like "Could you" and "would you" always help. Perhaps that is a safe rule.
-Mission must never have first place in the Church's life. The Church is to have but one Lord-one passion-the One in whom all the fullness of God dwells...
-...It is insufficient to proclaim that the Church of God has a mission in the world. Rather, the God of mission has a Church in the world."
-Dearborn, Tim. "Beyond Duty," 1997. From the Perspectives textbook (p. 70); used by permission of World Vision.
Almost everyone I communicate with on a daily basis was unknown to me five years ago. Or if I met them at camp in the early years, I probably hadn't ever sat down with them and had a heart-to-heart in Russian. I remember wondering who my friends would be. Now I know...
Of course it is hard to go back to the mindset of being a newcomer. We forget. But I have memories of some very specific instances; of learning different things; of failing and trying again; of being shown mercy. God has surrounded me with mercy again and again.
But we never learn to predict the future, no matter how "experienced, " we are. That is up to God. It's better that way.
I am thankful.
Lately, I have been taking advantage of modern technology to help me with vocabulary practice. Using a search engine, I enter in the words one at a time, cut and paste the 2-3 most representative examples that I find into a Word document, and print out my results for studying on the go. It's more current than even the latest textbooks.
Of course, there is no guarantee that online grammar is correct! But at least native speakers generally use vocabulary in the right context. Spelling and syntax can be found in a dictionary or textbook.
It is going to take some time before the words start showing up in my speech. But at least I am solidifying them in my brain in specific phrases, which will make them more accessible.
I need to do this with English as well! Many years have gone by since I passed the SAT's...
In my case, I went to the transportation authorities, but they didn't have my information. "But I was notified that it was ready," I said. "Well, you're not in the system." I couldn't argue with that.
I waited a few more days and tried again. They still couldn't locate me in the system. I got home and called the main office and they couldn't find me either.
Then I notified the university that I was having trouble, and they said they would fix the problem. A few days later, they notified me again that I could go pick up my metro pass.
At this point I was spending about 100 rubles/day on transportation. And the student metro pass is 500 rubles for a whole month. So let's just say I didn't want to waste any time...
I went to the transportation authorities, same procedure. They couldn't find me in the system. BUT this time they told me to go next door to the department that works with passengers, and ask them how my information is entered in the system. Apparently, there is sometimes a problem with foreign passports, because we have a different number of digits. Something like that.
So I went next door, and they took my passport and did a lot of tapping on the keyboard, and wrote on a piece of paper which then got stamped.
Armed with this new bit of information, I went back to the student department, where they told me to sit while they too did a lot of tapping on the keyboard. Then I was told to sit opposite a camera, look at the "birdie," and not blink. A minute later, I had a plastic card with my photo and information on it. They hyphenated my first and middle names, but that is beside the point. I was so impressed by the technology! It was a complete contrast to the long search for my name in the computer.
So I waited the requisite 10 minutes and then paid the fee at the metro terminal. Hooray!
After class the next day, I was fighting a cold, but managed to stumble over to the administrative offices to pick up my contract and student ID. The ID is of the "homemade" variety that I mentioned in a recent post. The photo and insert (handwritten) were cut out with scissors and pasted into a little cardboard holder, which had been covered over with red paper. The stamp makes it official, of course.
This time, there were familiar faces, even if we did have to introduce ourselves all over again. I immediately met some kindred spirits. As we went around the circle, specific callings started to match up. There was a sense of hope that we could work together. Some of us are visiting the same orphanages. Some of us are working with the graduates whom others knew when they were still at the orphanage. Even in cases where we are spread out, there are certain phrases and insights that strike a chord with everyone.
It is all just little pieces, and I still don't know what it means. But it is progress.
"Blah blah blah." Apparently there was a problem. I finally understood from my friend that I was supposed to have (handwritten) the number of the electronic card on my paper bus pass, so that they would know that I had paid for them at the same time. I suppose the electronic one could have expired. But then how would I have obtained the paper one, since it said the name of the current month? Anyway, I had been buying this pass for months, all the while oblivious to this special rule.
The controller was yelling at me now and asking me to get off the bus and do something. I looked up and saw a sign that said there was a 100-ruble fine for unpaid fare. I shoved 100 rubles at him and got off the bus, since we were at my stop.
"Liz, you just bribed him," my friend said.
Did I? I didn't mean to.
I went back and collapsed on my bed. I checked the time. It was 5am.
The doorbell rang. We put on our bathrobes and answered it.
There stood a young man. "Okay, let's figure this out," he said. "There's water pouring into our apartment from above, and our power is out. He then went to check the apartment above ours.
I tried different-sized containers to catch the drip, but it didn't have a defined source.
Then there were some phone calls. A new drip was coming from the ceiling. The neighbors above us turned off their water, and we went back to bed for a few hours.
I dreamed watery dreams of swimming, sailing, boats, and fish.
In the morning, it had stopped. I was eating breakfast and my roommate advised me to take a shower in case they were going to turn the water off to do repairs. I abandoned my breakfast and ran to do as she had said.
I tried to work on the computer, but there was no Internet.
I called the transportation company, but there was no word on my metro pass. I wasn't in the system.
I headed out into the October sunshine to begin my day.
This "party" was the celebration of 60 years of communist rule in China. The Chinese students had put together a little presentation.
In the department where I study, probably 75% of the students are from China. They mostly have separate classes, but we see each other in the corridor. In one of my classes, there was a student, possibly from Korea. When he pronounced his name, the teacher could not understand him. She shook her head and said "your language is difficult for the Russian ear to understand!" Then he replied, "You can call me Sasha" (which was nothing like his actual name, but would suffice).
Meanwhile, everyone had gathered to congratulate the Chinese students, who took turns giving speeches about their country in Russian. Some were more understandable than others, mostly due to intonation. We watched a slide presentation which featured a small child singing a sweet song while images of China's weapons of war flashed across the screen. It was humorous, yet tragic at the same time. I couldn't help but think that these weapons were in theory stockpiled in competition with other nations represented. And here we were congratulating them...
A few of the Russian teachers got up to give speeches in honor of China. This was one of those "official" moments in which Russians are usually very polished. Americans, if asked, would not know what to say. After the usual "health and happiness," one of the Russians wished the Chinese success in having more Russian speakers in their country. I wondered what kind of wish that was. As if I wished the Germans good luck spreading English in their country.
After the presentations were over, someone uttered something in Chinese, and suddenly everyone rose to their feet to sing what I can only assume was the national anthem. Then it was over, and we didn't have time for class. Saved!
In fact, it seems that anything that has a stamp on it is regarded as official. I have been amused upon noticing seemingly mundane announcements with an ink stamp. It seems a bit excessive.
Another reason it seems strange to me, I suppose, is that I am used to everything in my country being computerized. Handwritten signs are a thing of the past. When I see something written sloppily in a Russian hand, it seems unworthy of the accompanying stamp. In the past this may have been a question of technology, but computers are fairly widespread nowadays. It must be by habit that a Russian form may be printed out, only to have all the remaining information filled out by hand.
When I went to my first classes at the university, I met with the advisor and she took down all my information by hand in a little notebook with lines. Then she filled out my form by hand, which I then took to the general office so that they could complete my contract by hand, which will then be signed by several parties and stamped (I assume). And then I'll be official!
It is still a bit disconcerting to see grocery store prices written by hand. Not because I think I am being cheated, but because I wonder how they can keep track of everything if it isn't computerized.
This is not to say that Russians have bad hand-writing. It is, in fact, very beautiful, and whenever I have received letters, the handwriting has been evenly spaced with the help of pencil lines which are then erased. There is nothing wrong with the way it looks other than the association. Handwritten text is for primary school homework and personal notes. Everything else, if it is meant to look professional, should be typewritten. It's the mindset that is ingrained in me.
I suppose, the equivalent of the ink stamp in the U.S. is that everything look as far from hand-made as possible. If any text is to be displayed, it is typewritten about 90% of the time, with the rest being special artsy publications like a menu that changes daily.
There are some cases where it is the opposite. For example, homemade pastries are considered celebratory in the U.S., whereas in Russia it is the custom to buy an elaborate cake in a bakery for a special occasion. I used to make greeting cards, until I discovered that Russians often buy them...however, a perfunctory message (store-bought or not ) is not sufficient, and they write out long, flowery birthday wishes.
My roommate received an invitation to study in the U.S., and found it strange that the organization had used a form letter. She said that Russian officials prefer that a letter be more personalized, with more specific information. In both cases, attention to detail and precision are present. But they are evaluated by contrasting criteria.
I could probably think of a lot more examples, but hopefully that will suffice for now!
-I receive feedback about my language skills. My friends don't normally correct my grammar/pronunciation. Error correction is a must in language training, so while I still acquire a lot of new words daily, there are some weak areas in which I've become stagnant. Now I can receive a little correction by attending class, and break through some of the barriers which remain.
-I have an excuse for making mistakes. It might sound cowardly, but I do get tired of being an outsider all the time, and it is refreshing to be in a place where people know that you are learning and are patient with you. This is not to say that the average person on the street is not patient with me, but here I can let my guard down a little more because it is a learning environment.
-It gives structure to my week. The class schedule changes from day to day, but the class periods are all the same, and I know that my day is planned out until about 3 pm, at which point I can engage in other activities.
-I have permission to discuss culture. Actually, culture comes up quite a bit in ordinary conversation, but it is often hard to put into words what I am feeling. While attending class I have realized that some of those feelings are repressed. I normally try to avoid analyzing Russian culture too much with other foreigners because it can quickly turn to criticism or just idle talk. But with other foreigners and a native Russian present, the environment is more conducive to edification. I was reading parts of the textbook during my commute, and found the observations to be quite poignant. Culture shock is one of those things that you have to work through; it does not just go away if you ignore it.
-Language training is fun when you already have conversation skills. Sure, my grammar can use some work, but at this point I can have productive conversations with the other students, and it is interesting to have discussions with them, rather than just for the sake of being in class.
-Discounts! I get a student ID and student transportation pass, which is less than half of the usual price. Of course, I have to pay for the lessons...but it is nice to have some perks!
In the past month, it has been interesting to read the published thoughts of Russian friends as they've gotten their voice back upon es...
*Edit: More photos!