I've waited for months to be able to write this post. I hadn't seen Zina (mentioned in an
earlier post. ) for over a year. When I visited the orphanage, the kids always said "She ran away," or "She's in the hospital." Sometimes they said she had been in the orphanage, but that I had missed her. It was all very strange and I prayed for her safety. Then today I arrived at the orphanage, and I saw her. We couldn't talk because we were rushing in opposite directions. But now I know that she is alive.

Here are the younger kids whom I now teach. Aren't they beautiful? :)
Today my new roommate Zhenya came to help with the lesson. She's of Korean descent, and the kids weren't sure if she was Russian or not. So we pretended that she spoke only English, and the kids were incredibly well-behaved! They tried hard to speak English, or when speaking Russian, tried hard to "help" her understand.

(We were only slightly in pain when the photo above was taken.)
They are beautiful children. Remember that when they are driving you crazy! :) It sometimes helps. When are you coming back here? I so want to see you!!!!!