Tuesday, July 29, 2008
See category: You Know You've Lived in Russia Too Long When...
The solution (as it appears now)
I didn’t look in a lot of places for jobs. I didn’t want to commit and then find out that the law didn’t apply. I also thought that maybe certain employers wouldn’t understand that I still have a commitment to the orphans, although there are some local businesses that try to help non-profit causes.
Time was of the essence...
It was one of those open-ended prayer requests that I skimmed over daily, wondering if I should be more proactive about seeking an answer.
I had a certain time-frame in which I wanted to have my plans set. In May I was busy planning my Africa trip. In July I would be busy at camp and getting ready to leave for the States. So I was hoping to make a decision by the end of June. That didn’t leave a lot of time, especially if there were interviews or paperwork involved.
By the beginning of June, having returned from Africa, I was still uncertain. I had a few options, and it seemed logical to just go with the "best" fit, even if it wasn't ideal. But I still couldn't bring myself to make a commitment. It was already seeming too late to start applying for a work visa for the fall, but I still wanted to have some defined plans, even if the timeframe wasn't what I had planned on.
An idea...
Then one day I was praying about something else entirely and God suddenly impressed it on my heart to check out another option one more time. It was an option that I had given up on after trying unsuccessfully to obtain the contact information of a woman that runs an ESL center here. A mutual acquaintance had promised to give her my contact information, but I never heard from her, and assumed that they weren't looking for teachers. But I knew that another missionary was getting a visa from there, so I asked her and she said she definitely recommended this language school. So I sent an email to the address she gave me.
Was it the right idea?
I waited for an answer to the email, and it didn't come. I looked up the company online and emailed them and they didn't answer. Finally I looked up the director of the school and found her home phone number and called her. She recognized my name and said that she had emailed me offering me a job a few months prior, and never heard from me. Now the connection had finally been made.
The language school sounds like it was what I was looking for, and I agreed to work there. I will still come on the charity visa in the fall for a maximum of 90 days, while the work permit is being processed, and then I will transition into teaching. I will have to teach 15-20 hours, and I'm hoping that I will still be able to visit the orphanages in the afternoons, but not if it conflicts with the teaching quota. I'm sure it will all become much clearer in the fall.
On the same day that I reached the director of the language school, I learned that my charity visa will indeed be under the 90-day rule, so I definitely need the work visa to be able to stay here full-time. I sent off my paperwork just in time to leave for camp.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Qualities of a Christian
Now a first-time mother, my friend invited me for a walk in the park with the baby. We met up with her other friend, who also has a new baby. And my friend shared comforting baby advice with the other mother.
It struck me later as I was thinking about our time together that she doesn't gossip, and rarely complains. She shares news about her friends and family, but there is nothing malicious or fanciful about it. She's newly married, but has never said anything negative about her in-laws or the living situation. She's a new mother, but hasn't mentioned anything about being tired. As we walked, she told the baby gently not to fuss while she gave a little attention to Auntie Elizabeth.
She doesn't gossip, and here I am writing about her. I hope I'm not gossiping!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Just for fun
From wikipedia:
Some common English onomatopoeias for the sneeze sound are achoo, atchoo, achew, and atisshoo, with the first syllable corresponding to the sudden intake of air, and the second to the sound of the sneeze.
A similar linguistic approach has been taken with several other languages; in French, the sound "Atchoum!" is used; in Finnish "Atsiuh!"; in Swedish "Atjo"; in Danish "Atju!"; in Hebrew "Apchi!"; in German "Hatschie!"; in Hungarian "Hapci!"; in Polish, "Apsik!"; in Russian , "Apchkhi!"; in Turkish, "Hapşu!"; in Italian, "Etciù!"; in Spanish "¡Achú!" or "¡Achís!"; in Portuguese, "Atchim!"; in Romanian "Hapciu!" and in Japanese, "Hakushon!". In Cypriot Greek, the word is "Apshoo!", incidentally also the name of a village, which is the cause of much mirth locally.
In Howards End, by E.M. Forster, a sneeze in polite society is "a-tissue" - a nice allusion to its respective remedy.
I was wondering if perhaps coughing or clearing your throat also varies across languages. What is the Russian equivalent of "ahem"?
But of course the animal noises are the most amusing. I still laugh when I hear how a Russian horse whinnies....
"I GO GO."
Here are more examples:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I’m not an expert on Orthodox holidays, but I know the main ones, and I couldn’t figure out what could be happening on July 17th. I couldn’t let this opportunity go by, so I stood and watched the Orthodox believers, young and old, as they walked by and chanted prayers, holding icons and other various “holy” relics. They had caught a clearer moment during the rainy day to make their march, beginning and ending at the Church of the Savior on the Spilt Blood.
When I asked a vendor at the nearby souvenir market, she said that it was the anniversary of the assassination of the royal family. Indeed, Wednesday marked 90 years since that day, and the final remains have only recently been identified. The royal family was canonized in 2000, but perhaps the final identification helps to make their sainthood legitimate.
Sometimes I forget that I live in a famous city. It’s never dull!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Summer weather
This evening I noticed that it was raining out but that there was light showing through. Then I happened to look out the window a few minutes later to catch sight of the first rainbow I've seen all summer.
This is probably the ugliest rainbow photo ever taken, but if you look really hard, you can see it:
One I will miss
She always showed up and followed us around. It didn’t matter which group we were supposed to be meeting with, she was there. But she was always interested in an activity other than the one we were offering. If we were singing, she wanted to draw. If we were playing Frisbee, she was asking for the Uno cards. And she wasn’t going to take No for an answer.
When we did face-painting, she always wanted to be a cat. And we had conversations consisting entirely of “meows.”
The day before the session ended was a stressful one, especially for the younger kids. Everyone had to pack up all their things and put them somewhere. Even those who were staying for another session had to do this, as they were being moved to other groups.
We comforted many a child who came to us sobbing about his/her friends leaving, or about not receiving a present, or another such matter.
I was supervising the crafts table alone when I heard the sound of sobbing coming from outside. I turned to see Angelica coming towards me, crying hysterically, and with a stream of blood running down her chin. Uh-oh. Where had an innocent ping-pong match gone wrong? As far as I could understand, it was something with her tooth. I started asking the other kids if the infirmary was open. Just then, a passing counselor stopped, took a look, and said, “Oh, you’re just losing a baby tooth. Go rinse your mouth out.” Whew. Once we did some rinsing, Angelica was still convinced she was dying, so I escorted her to her counselor, who would deal with it further.
The next day, as she left to go home, Angelica was all smiles, minus one tooth.
And then as we got to know the new kids, I realized that I missed a certain 8-yr-old very much!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Christian music retro
Although Amy's career got a little murky later on, I love these older lyrics of hers, and I much prefer them to contemporary Christian music's more cryptic lyrics (which, while edifying, are not always straight-forward about the Gospel and about which god they are supposed to be portraying).
I like how she puts simple biblical truths to music and asks questions that are convicting to believers. Sometimes I need that more than singing the same two words about God over and over and wondering if I actually mean them.
Are you living in an old man's rubble,
Are you listening to the father of lies?
Are you walking with unnecessary burdens,
Are you trying to take them upon yourself?
If you are, then you're living in bondage,
And you know that's bad for your spiritual health.
And are you trying to live by your emotions,
Are you putting your faith in what you feel and see?
Then you're living just to satisfy your passions,
And you better be careful 'cause you're being deceived.
Are you living in an old man's rubble,
Are you listening to the father of lies?
If you are then you're headed for trouble;
If you listen too long you'll eventually die.
Are you living in an old man's rubble,
Are you listening to the father of lies?
If you are then you're headed for trouble;
If you listen too long you'll eventually die.
Are you puzzled by the way that you're behaving,
Do you wonder why you do the things you do?
And are you troubled by your lack of resistance,
Do you feel that something's got a hold on you?
Well deep within you, there's a spiritual battle;
There's a voice of the darkness and a voice of the light.
And just by listening, you have made a decision,
'Cause the voice you hear is gonna win the fight.
Are you living in an old man's rubble,
Are you listening to the father of lies?
If you are then you're headed for trouble;
If you listen too long you'll eventually die.
If you're living as a new creation,
If you're listening to the Father of Light,
Then you're living in a mighty fortress,
And you're gonna be clothed in power and might.
But are you living in an old man's rubble,
Are you listening to the father of lies?
If you are then you're headed for trouble;
If you listen too long you'll eventually die.
If you're living as a new creation,
If you're listening to the Father of Light,
Then you're living in a mighty fortress,
And you're gonna be clothed in power and might.
Terms of Endearment, continued
I'm sorry if you didn't find what you were looking for. If you're planning on finding yourself a Russian bride, I hope that your intentions are honorable. I also hope that you learn a little more Russian than "terms of endearment," so that you will be able to communicate with her Mamochka and Papochka and Babulya.
I'm sorry if you're a linguist and were hoping to find a treatise on the richness of the Russian language. Although I majored in Russian Studies, I'm far too engrossed in trying to perfect my everyday survival Russian to meditate on the wonders of this Slavic tongue. I also teach English, so unfortunately a number of my posts focus more on my own native language and how to make it accessible to Russians.
If you're still interested, welcome to my blog!
That is all.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Going to camp soon

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Visa situation
I've got one option that seems reasonable, and hopefully I'll have the details straightened out in the next few days.
It's still not clear how this will affect the overall presence of foreigners in Russia. There are ways to get work/study visas, but work visas can be pretty costly for the employer, and applying for a license takes several months, so many people will probably experience a delay while waiting for all the paperwork to come through. In the meantime, those without a work/study option are trying to figure out how to space out their 90 days within the 180-day period...
Song of ascents
Psalm 126
A song of ascents.
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
The LORD has done great things for us,
Restore our fortunes, O LORD,
Those who sow in tears
He who goes out weeping,
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Lighter reading
And here's a news story that gave me a laugh. It's like something straight from a Disney or Pixar movie. http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/07/01/netherlands.circus/index.html?iref=mpstoryview The CNN headline reads: Giraffe gathers troops, leads great escape from circus
Ancient texts
You can look at old Latin and Greek papyri. The University of Michigan has set up a nice site with some background information and tips for deciphering the handwriting.
One of the current texts featured is the Pauline Epistles.
In the past month, it has been interesting to read the published thoughts of Russian friends as they've gotten their voice back upon es...
A few people so far have alerted me to the recent 20/20 series on Russian adoptees which can be viewed in its entirety (in 5 segments) on AB...
In the past month, it has been interesting to read the published thoughts of Russian friends as they've gotten their voice back upon es...
(I found this draft from last month that I forgot to post! I'm shocked that the summer went by so fast!) National identity. I remember f...