Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Coming Up

-We're planning on attending a church retreat this weekend. Just mentioning it now in case I forget to later! Also, Andrei isn't teaching any of the lessons. Why is this significant, you may ask? Well, I may get to attend some of the sessions in person. :) Usually I am chasing David around. He is still kind of little to just drop off with the Sunday school group, in an unfamiliar place with things like staircases.

Sometimes I feel resentful of other mothers of littles at church who are pretty involved. But I realized recently...those women aren't married to a (highly gifted, best ever) preaching elder...DUH! When I think of other mothers whose husbands are preaching or on the worship team...well, yeah, they're with their kids, of course they aren't running around organizing potluck dinners or whatever. That makes sense. Thankfully though, David's grandparents are always willing to take him off our hands. :)

-For the next two months we have an "open" schedule. Sweet! Well, except for the miles-long to-do list including bureaucracy and dentists and all that. But hopefully some good chances for catching up with friends will abound.

-After that...the land of the free! Ha ha, that was the first thing that popped into my head. No idea what the political situation will be like in a few months, but we're planning a trip to the U.S., as usual.

P.S. Okay, I have to partially take back the "potluck dinner" comment above. I guess it isn't the best example because a potluck dinner does in fact allow for busy moms and other people to put forth minimal effort in order to join in a nice fellowship event. I don't always even have time to prepare that one dish. The last time, I left the (unprepared) salad ingredients at home and bought something at the store instead on my way to the tram stop . Meanwhile, we did host a get-together recently, but we didn't do any of the planning or cooking. All I did was wash the floors (and Andrei vacuumed) and the other families brought a simple meal. Point being, no over-achieving necessary!

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