Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pre-missions life

This isn't really part of the series, but I ran across an old journal entry from when I was in my second year of college. I hadn't decided on a concentration yet, but I was thinking about the future.

One evening, a missionary couple serving in the Middle East (under aliases) visited our girls' Bible study. It prompted some reflection on my part.

Oct. 29, 2001

David and Joy gave me clarity on a few reservations I've had. In terms of missions, David mentioned being interested but not yet feeling a specific "calling." He said that one of the criteria is that it be your heart's desire. Joy is introverted, like me. She seemed so much like me! And she had a baby over there and said it was fine.

...David talked about getting to know people other than Christians. I need to think about my major and how it would serve God in the future.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely, thoughtful person you are, and have always been!


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